The ivy doesn’t get the DON'T MINGLE thing! …I envy them!
Social Distancing – A word only born recently, quickly became the most hated, most used and certainly the Word of the Year 2020. What it means to practice social distancing we got it by now. If you still know someone who is in denial and ignores the world’s most common new phenomenon, if one can actually call it so, as a dictated conduct would never pass as a phenomenon…. just forward all the junk that landed on your phone the past 4 weeks, delete the senders contact info from your database, along with those who resend you the old jokes you first sent them weeks ago! They don’t deserve your attention! Real information mingles happily with fake news as if nothing happened …
The professional group quite actively involved in the forwarding-hype is lawyers: People obviously fight far less, found less, investigate legal structures far less, the criminal mind must comply as well to the stay home, stay safe mode! Who needs a lawyer if you cannot make business? Full stop! We certainly will need them sooner or later but until then their whole energy is used up reminding you that they still exist!
What you don’t need at the moment: High heels … lets say shoes per se apart from that pair of running shoes.
What else? Jewelry, make-up, clutches or any handbag, laptop pouch, suitcase …. in general! Dry cleaned wardrobe items, a refill of your tank, but it would be so cheap right now 🤬…?! Do you find yourself shopping online excessively but you never send the order, bc you might not need new stuff this summer and what if all this is on SALE in a few weeks time? We have so much stuff only for others to see it … that is so crazy!!
What if that idea goes VIRAL? OK … we might become a little anxious using THAT! word!
I miss restaurants and the hustle and clatter noises of the well tuned team of waiters and the people-watching as well! All I need right now is the chatter of a group of real people, I mean as a real time event not a virtual one!
So what else is there to do? Read great stuff that flows out of the pen of those who resist and who use the affluent time to create.
A new article by my son Julian hits the nerve really well Quarantined: A Perspective of Time
Who are we going to become as we make use of our time!?
Please read his take on being quarantined somewhere remote in the mountains all by himself.
You will find a fresh outlook on life from a young man, who has a sober and healthy view on this situation.
Far from passive aggressive, as so many now drop into the black hole of Netflix or turn to their endless delivering instagram feed to numb the void and the meaninglessness of their time, who is not the typical social media consumer ? Julian, he delivers thoughtfulness and inspires. Well done!
Please take a good look on this chart genius, Matt Shirley, about social media:
Try out social distancing from your Facebook account! Try it from Instagram, …Twitter?
OK I get it, it’s an addiction rather than a choice?
As it was on 9/11, when the tragedy hit the East Coast of the US and the shocked community of busy NY flocked by thousands to the open doors of the churches in search for healing and meaning, this crowned virus also directs the lost and searching to the more meaningful perspectives of live. Churches report spikes at online views and listeners each Sunday. For me, as you probably know, a welcoming sign of sanity and wisdom on part of the searching! So will they find what they are looking for, after social media has failed to provide friends or meaning or sex. I love to listen to John Mark Comer, Pastor of Bridgetown church in Oregon, mostly because he understands our culture really well. A Kairos Moment
Feel free to explore the teachings and sermons as well on their site.
STOP listening to fake news and fake prophecies and STOP listening to news all day long, just STOP
Disturbingly, there are a lot of false prophets already swimming on shore and I am stunned how blunt some of them are. Can it be that discernment is a rare virtue? I will not provide links on this section, there is no reason whatsoever to give any thought to such nonsense preaching.
As with everything we hear and read, we must be able to say, why it makes sense. Not why we want it to make sense! So here is a clue how the algorithm principle works: If an opinion matches yours 100% … be aware!
I listened to a guy claiming he predicted the Sars Covid-19 pandemic and lots of the stuff he added to embellish his talk was even sound and sounded reasonable, but the core message was still impossible to be true. I hope you have discernment to know right from wrong in these days!
So for now I send you my best wishes , hope you and your loved ones are safe , safe at home, home and sane, sane and strong at heart! Heart attacks did drop by 50%! Guess that is truly good news, that and the visibility on earth:
Why does everyone need to see Venice each year at least once? Maybe we need to make decisions on whether our travel hype benefits our destinations! Stern Magazin from the 22nd of March
©Planet Labs/AFP plublished by Stern
None of the photos in this post are mine, credit go to Squarespace and their photo library, Matt Shirley, and the @Planet Labs
My heart goes out to all those in hot spots: Italy, Spain, US, Britain, Wuhan … to all who suffer loss of a loved one, maybe you suffer from the virus and are lonely and depressed. May God comfort you during this time and may you experience how good God is despite our circumstances!