If you ever doubted anyone was ever again going through those senseless amount of photos taken of the plates in the all these restaurants, that we now cannot go to anymore … Would you like to trade now? How about dreaming on …
We might not go to restaurants in the near and not so near future, forced to whip up something 2-3-4 times a day, with the pantry filled with cans and pasta only. Do you wish to have more space in your fridge now?
How many times a day is the door of your fridge being opened and closed with an ever more exasperating look in the eye of the searching … ?
Do you feel trapped in a fish bowl???
My doctor friend send a short message yesterday: “Do a blog post about eating healthy to boost the immune system!” with pretty photos!
As you can imagine I have no chance to buy new fresh looking vegetables on a Sunday or any coming up days. So I went through my …. guess right! old photos!
Some were so bad! I learned really slow I find! WO W! … but I thought you wouldn’t mind and I actually do this on purpose. I don’t want to add desperation to the ongoing situation and enhance your depression over your own fridge’s content. Here are old pics, … of long ago times when we had plenty. So pick the potato, the beet roots and add a little phantasy and eat well and healthy and add vitamins and minerals, stop the excessive alc and drink some water instead and exercise daily! The summer is coming and the only one’s seeing you in your last year’s bikini will be the people in your household and you don’t want to inflict additional pain on them ! They might show up in their trunks!
Search the blog for inspiration: there is a huge section of recipes!
Dreams are allowed!!!
Keep dreaming, cooking, helping, laughing, be creative and good natured! Inside and out!
There is only one virus that demoralizes: Bad temper!
How I wish someone would serve this right now! Which plate would you choose to sit infront?
Pic search: find the one you cannot have now!
This is all happing right now!