Figs and Feta

In my neighbors garden the figs are sweeter than anywhere esle, only the fence is too weak to support me.
In my neighbors garden in the heart of Vienna, the harvest is ripe!
Only my husband doesn't care for figs at all, but I do really love them! Just like about anything that grows on plants above and below the surface. I had this September the most amazing dishes made with figs. Marianne made the figs filled with cheese, wrapped with dried ham, drizzled with olive oil and herbs in the oven for 20 min at 180°C on a bed of salad, yesterday Helen made them baked with goat cheese, a recipe by Ottolenghi, we had fig carpaccio and mustard with figs. My poor sweetheart had a piece of bread instead and missed out on the best the gardens offer.
Do I look I care? Yes I do! For his portion!
Someone wise said, love is a gift and food settles survival.
This morning I got up early again to get flowers from the market and figs ... my neighbors were home all the time and so sharing was not possible …
Usually they generously share thier figs bedded on their leave and I am most grateful for such lovely gifts from Anni. Totally hooked on figs right now, I proudly present:
my pretty and easy lunch or first course for dinner recipe.

Fig Salad
Figs in Salad

Just curious: What is growing in your neighbors garden you are craving for?

Figs for lunch
fresh figs

You need per person

3-4 small figs
1/2 slice of Pumpernickel, crumbled
1 tsp. sunflower seeds
2 tbsp. Feta cheese, crumbled
5 thin slices of a plum
chervil, pepper, salt

4 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. agave syrup
2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
salt, chili