
Summer means nothing without them: Marünknedl - Apricot Dumplings!
Juicy, hot apricots hidden in a dough of butter, vanilla and curd,
sugar with breadcrumbs and the sweet-sour fruitiness of sun ripened apricots, picked from the tree the same day!
Nothing brings childhood closer to home for Sophie than this recipe.
Our apricot tree had a great harvest of fruit this year for us, they were perfect in taste, an explosion of flavor. I made jam and ginger chuntney and ... these beauties!
Our friends came to visit with thier 4 kids and Fiona, the Golden Retriever, for lunch and after some salads the dumplings were served. A winner when one wants to win over the hearts of the kids. Marlene helped me take my pictures, she is a real cutie and a great singer, too!

Apricot dumplings
Apricot dumpling

Marlene picked for me a bouquet of flowers from the field - I guess she really liked the dumplings :)
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Preparation time 30 min + rest
Cooking time approx. 12 min

You Need

500g curd (quark/ farmers cheese)
grated lemon peel
100g butter at room temperature
2 eggs
120g all purpose four
120g  wheat semolina

12 apricots
12 cubed sugar

White breadcrumbs
approx. 150g butter
coarse sugar

For the dough beat the butter creamy, add the egg yolks one at a time, add the semolina, egg whites, salt, lemon peel. Stir in flour and curd and mix until well combined. Avoid long beating to prevent the flour to become sticky. Let the dough rest for 30-60 minutes.

In the meantime wash and cut the apricots half way through to extract the pit and replace it with a piece of sugar. Close the apricot again. Divide the dough in 12 equal pieces, best done when shaped in a roll first. Wet your hands and place the dough in your palm and cover a prepared apricot evenly with the dough. Don’t’ leave an opening otherwise water seeps in. Fill a large enough pot with water, season with salt, vanilla sugar and the juice of one lemon. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to medium and drop the dumplings into the water. Let simmer until the dumplings rise from the bottom, let them cook another 3 minutes when risen. Remove from heat.
While the dumplings cook, melt the butter in a pan, add the breadcrumbs and the sugar and roast the crumbs until slightly browned. Be careful not to burn them.
There is no exact measure how much breadcrumbs per gram of butter, best is to find your own preferred consistency.
With a perforated ladle remove the dumplings from the water and roll them in the breadcrumbs until evenly covered. Make a bed of crumbs on a plate sprinkled with powder sugar place the dumplings on it and sprinkle more sugar over it. Serve hot!