Cook your food and frame it … it looks like art
You need
Preparation time: 20 min
Baking time: 6 min per piece
140 grams /1 ⅛ cups of gluten free flour by Wiechert
2 eggs
1 eggyolk
½ teaspoon salt
250 ml / 1 cup milk
butter and oil for the pan – I use a special flat iron one – for best results
Mix flour and milk by hand or by using an electrical mixer. Add the eggs one at the time and then add the salt to a thick still runny dough so you can pour it easily into the pan for making the "Palatschinken". Just avoid clumps so you get perfectly thin ones.

Usually the first one will be a challenge, because the pan must be hot enough. The trick is learned easily with a little patience and you can actually fill them with cheese and ham or spinach and anything you like. When I showed Sophie these pictures, we both decided that this is what we wanted for dinner last night so we had them filled with savory and sweet fillings and ate from each others plates as usual in our family.
Another recipe by Claudia with the Glutenfree flour mix by "Wiechert" with runny apricot jam.