For many years this hot tea-like drink is my favorite during those month when everything outdoors seems to be frozen and misanthropic. Don’t get me wrong I love the winter maybe more than the heat of the summer for many reasons, but as we speak Austria is literally burried under snow, the number of streets closed has never been as much and warnings of avalanches are out there as high as 5, which is the highest warning. Our area is cut off from the rest of the world. Where to put all that snow, especially the one that one has to take down from the roof so it doesn’t collapse under the weight! I have seen people walking in tunnels between snow walls and when it all melts ?
My simple recipe for these days when one has to wait for the weather to clear up and the strength to return to shovel some more is the ginger infusion to bring heat from the inside to your bones.
If it has be quick in the morning before I rush out of the house I enjoy the luxury of just heating the water in the kettle and without the mess of grating ginger and wasting time on waiting for the water to be thoroughly infused I pour the hot water into my togo cup, add the infusion and screw the top on and off I am - leaving the kitchen spotless. Yessss!
Time 20 min + 1 hour for rest
You need
250g peeled and grated/ or chopped raw ginger
250ml water
250g sugar *
120ml fresh lemon juice
Bring the water and the sugar to a boil until water turns clear and add the ginger.
Boil for 15 minutes with the lid on and set aside to cool.
The longer the ginger sits in the water the spicier the infusion becomes.
Drain through a fine meshed sieve and add the lemon juice.
Fill a reusable glass bottle with a top. Refrigerate up to 2 weeks.
* If you want to skip the sugar you can use agave syrup instead. Agave syrup has strong sweetness and no overpowering taste and it is better for you. In this case you need to alter the process. Agave syrup doesn’t need to be boiled with the ginger you can use it when the infusion is ready or even directly into your cup as desired.
Liquid ginger
This is a happy day, pour out your kindness and share your time wisely.
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