We have been quite absent lately and must apologize hugely for our rareness if there is such a word or not, don't care it feels right for this matter. We planned an amazing trip to Scandinavia in June and needless to say we will share our photos with you here on the blog all summer.
We will be there for midsummer night – so cool – and cannot wait to mix with all the blonds and indulge in great food and stunning nature.
I roamed the Internet for food I haven’t shown here in doubledipping and found the JICAMA! Probably the most exciting vegetable you are not eating – yet!
Jicama was so hard to track down in Vienna but is well known in the Americas especially in Mexico. I showed photos of this jicama every vendor at the market; some suggested we should ask at the Asian stand! So wrong! I had to order a case and wait for it a couple of days. For those of you living in the US it is a common vegetable and easy to buy. Maybe you have seen it around and wondered how you could serve it, then here you go! This recipy is great and published by my favorite Chef Eric Ripert!
Thanks to Eric and in case you happen to be in NY visit his amazing Le Bernhardin
In German jicama is called a YAMBOHNE. The crisp texture makes it a star in raw salads and Tequila is the perfect match besides grilled meat or grilled garlic bread.
To peel the jicama I actually broke out in sweats until I found out is better to cut them in slices and peel it afterwards with a knife. I was quite pleased once the cutting was done and the crispy and sweet tasting white cubes could marinate in the dressing. The dressing I will definitely keep in my repertoire! I might not drink the rest of the Tequila on its own. I actually didn't drink any since my twenties but this one does taste mild yet rich. Paired with a slice of lime or orange…? I liked the bottle in the shape of Mayan temples.
1800® Tequila reposado in my dressing
For 8 servings
You need
2 tbsp. champagne vinegar
2 tbsp. tequila
2 tbsp. lime juice
1 tsp. honey
- pinch cayenne pepper
½ cup canola oil
4 cups seedless watermelon, cut into 1 cm dice
4 cups jicama, peeled and cut into 1 cm dice
1 cup fresh soy beans, optional
½ cup mint leaves
- fine sea salt and freshly
ground pepper
Jicama is a root that resembles a turnip although it has a mild, sweet flavor and a crisp texture. Diced and tossed with watermelon, mint, watercress and a light dressing makes a beautiful side dish or salad course.Whisk together the champagne vinegar, tequila, lime juice, honey and cayenne pepper in a mixing bowl. Season with salt and pepper and slowly whisk in the canola oil until emulsified.
Combine the watermelon and jicama large mixing bowl. Season with salt and pepper and add the vinaigrette; toss to coat evenly and place the salad in a nice bowl.
Garnish the top with mint and soy beans.