Quinoa Salad with Eggplant and Lemon — double dipping
Quinoa Salad
preserved lemon
Quinoa salad
Quinoa and lemon

I have been impatiently waiting for my lemons to preserve and I used the ones from the Steirereck to make this salad for a bigger gathering. This is my kind of salad I could dig in and finish the whole bowl! Oh so yummy and healthy. what is there to know about quinoa:

Quinoa is a rich source of the B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and is a rich source of the dietary minerals iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Quinoa is also a good source of the B vitamins niacin and pantothenic acid, vitamin E, and the dietary mineral potassium. The pseudo cereal contains a modest amount of calcium, and thus is useful for vegans and those who are lactose intolerant. It is gluten-free and considered easy to digest.

All those reasons to eat quinoa ! And stay healthy ! That is the best part !

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reparation time: 40 min
Cooking time: 25 min

recipe for quinoa salad

You Need:

200 g quinoa
1 large eggplant cut in dices
1 elephant garlic, cut in small pieces
olive oil
4 green asparagus | or 1 cucumber
1 yellow bell pepper
2 sprigs with approx. 12 leaves of Thai basil
    - alternatively use ½ cup cilantro or parsley
½ cup organic olive oil
½ preserved lemon from the jar + a bit from the salty juice

Cook the quinoas as directed on the package, make sure they are not to hard, just right, which is different for everyone. Let cool. You can easily cook the quinoa a day a head; it keeps well in the fridge.

The eggplant will be fried in plenty of olive oil over medium to high heat in a pan, add the garlic when halfway done and stir frequently, the eggplants should turn light brown and become quite soft. Let them cool.
In the meantime chop the asparagus for decoration, leave the pretty heads aside, and cut the bell pepper as desired. Chop the herbs and mix them together with the eggplant under the cooled quinoa. In a bowl make the dressing with olive oil, lemon and chili and stir well. 

Pour the fragrant dressing over the quinoa, mix well so the juices can combine with the grains and decorate with the bell pepper and asparagus. 


