The Luzzu (pronounced lutsu) is the Maltese Fisher boat
Oh my, so much history and the kindest of all people! 5600 year old Megalith temples and Valetta, the capital city founded in 1566 more than 120 years before NYC! Visiting Malta for only 4 days is not enough at all. The coast of Malta is my favorite, I always love the shoreline, where the sea meets the land and how people make use of that. We didn't visit all of the 365 churches, but thought that St. John is the most amazingly decorated cathedral we have ever seen.
Carlo, our driver and guide, made us read the signs in the streets and writings on cars and it was his special joy to hear us fail. I have never come across a language so different yet so similar, something between Arabic and Italian, with influences form English and Portuguese. Yes, and then they have all of the additional letters and silent letters ....
He is a local hero able to open doors for us when we wanted to see special locations just with a nod of his head. Carlo will tell the most fascinating stories about Malta but when it comes to have lunch he will show you his biggest smile and will opt out. He is the only Maltese allergic to fish! So offer him steak and he is in.
We stayed at the Xara Palace Relais and Chateau and enjoyed the walks through he medieval city of Mdina, say: I-mdina!
Those colorful doors and matching windows, I couldn't resist taking pictures every other step.
On my way down Republic Street
Red letter pillars and Frisco-like streets
Mdina is the coolest I think, almost car free! Only residents can have a tiny car as the streets are narrow and winding.
The 13 Redin Towersand one on Comino span in sight of each other around the coast line and so in case of an unexpected attack or pirates hiding behind Comino before they hoped to surprise Malta, the people would be prepared to defend themselves and they did so very successfully.
Ħaġar Qim (pronounced: Hascharkim) the stone-age people built their temple facing the sun to announce summer and winter solstice. Not much more can be said about their rituals, still fascinating. At this time of year Malta is covered with flowers in all colors. So pretty!
Shades of blue at the Blue Grotto, lined with purple and orange corals