Christmas cookies

Spending hours in the kitchen rolling Vanillekipferl and filling cookies with delicous hot jam can really carry me away. I forget my back that still hurts from yesterday and I think of my parents whom I will give these plates of Christmas delights to. I look out the window and it snows and the world regardless of all the news seems peacful and positiv.

Today is a shopping day in Austria, it used to be a holiday but the merchants claimed it for business. We stay home have the family over, the candles burning and the teapot filled. We sit down and chat and keep the cellphones charged. We read a book and have music on.

My tree is lit and ready for this coming Sunday and our hour annual Adventsinging. I just wanted to send you a small note from our blog to make room for slow living and simple things one at a time.

You see there Vanillekipferl, Linzer Augen, Schwarz-Weissgebäck, Florentinerecken, Husarenkrapferl and Demels famous Rumtaler made with my husband's favorite rum, the Diplomatico.

If you like recipes let me know I will send them to you.