Lately, I've been cheating on my status quo.
LOCATION: Macao, China
If you've seen any of my previous style posts, you'll already be aware that I'm not the biggest fan of bright colors or crazy patterns to say the least. Or, as my friends like to say, I dress like a 40 year old librarian (I wish I were kidding). Seeing as I'm turning 20 in a week I thought it might be time to mix things up a little bit, so I picked out this beautiful red Chanel to start a slow transition to becoming more adventurous with my style. For the Chinese, red is a lucky color, so when I saw this street while exploring Macao (aptly named Rua de Felicidad - Street of Happiness) I just knew I had to come back and shoot this look.
I'm starting to feel really excited about venturing into this new decade. I want to try to resolve all the anxiety, grasp every opportunity and explore the world more and more in time. I'd love to know, do any of you have any tips for going through the confusing whirlwind of your 20ies?
P.S. The photo polaroids in this post are printouts of my instagrams, courtesy of the incredibly awesome MemoriesLab! I love their matte finish! Follow along here!

Shop the post using the links below (I popped in some high street alternatives for you guys as well):

Photos of me by Kevin Wong, edited by me