At the Dombeisl in Vienna, you will find some of the most important ingredients for a pleasant and enjoyable evening. Thomas Wohlfahrter, new chef at the Beisl, which is an Austrian nickname for a pub, loves to make his guests happy. Dombeisl is located behind the St. Stephen's Dome and is more than ordinary,
I love that! This is really why I want to go out for dinner. Food makes me happy, delicious food makes me really happy and paired with excellent wine selected and presented by Hermann Botolen, Sommelier at the Dombeisl, are the things that make me feel l am treated like royalty. I know you might say: whatever floats your boat, but this "package deal" and nice company are like a holiday in the middle of the week! The place is cosy and intimate, still you get to make friends with the people next to you and we had the honor to shake hands with Peter Veyder-Mahlberg, one of the best wine makers in Austria.

~ Handmade LOVE & RESPECT ~ Wohlfahrter calls his passion