Have you ever wanted to have lunch in an enchanted forrest? The thought has certainly crossed my mind more than once, along with a deep desire to play a grand piano in the middle of a meadow… but that's a completely different story. Point being, Ralph's in Paris is probably my very favorite restaurant ever. It's situated in a courtyard within the Ralph Lauren Store (which conveniently also looks like a gorgeous Parisian mansion). I always feel like I'm in a completely different world when I eat here, not to mention the fact that the food and staff are perfection at its best. I lived right around the corner when I was in Paris, so I stopped by to eat lunch by myself while I studied for my Patisserie exam over watermelon salad, tea and carrot cake (don't question my food choices, pastry school gave me the strangest food cravings…). Long story short, if there's one restaurant in Paris you absolutely should not miss, it's Ralph's.