When I was in second grade (which feels like an eternity ago), my teacher gave us an assignment to paint an imitation of Monet's bridge without using the color brown. I remember how fascinated I was of his brush strokes and ability to create pictures that looked like a real life fairy tale. I've since taken the opportunity to see every Monet painting I could (like in the Musee de l'Orangerie in Paris) and always wanted to visit the Monet Gardens in Giverny and I definitely wasn't disappointed by the sheer beauty of the place, especially the Japanese Garden. Although it's a bit annoying to get there (you have to take a train and then a bus or cab, and there are way too many people), I'm so happy I escaped Paris for a day and experienced the serenity of the Monet Gardens.

I was wearing a J Crew Hat and Top (on sale now!) and a Saint Laurent Bag.