Christine, the owner of the hotel Seeschlössl, has been spoiling us with the best breakfast at the Wörthersee (a lake in southern Austria) for many years now. "The Place to be" in the summer, this beautiful lake has water so clear you can drink it. She offers a breakfast, famous for its variety, and one can enjoy, relax and read the papers all morning... I would do anything to be on holiday now! To recreate that feeling I started with one of her treats: Fresh yoghurt mixed with fruit and served in a glass. No thickeners, preservatives, artificial coloring, E# or you name it.

Simply choose a fruit you have at home (such as peaches, strawberries or bananas), mix them first on high speed in your mixer and then add a pint or 500 grams of plain yoghurt, I used organic full fat, and mix it again until the yoghurt becomes drinkable. That happens due to the high speed of your mixer yoghurt liquidizes again. No sugar added, just the sweetness of a banana or a ripe fruit! It's so yummy and healthy and you can be sure you are not loading up on preservatives and artificial coloring.