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Have you ever seen the movie CHARADE 1963 with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. She is a young widow of a husband with criminal interests. Not knowing what he did for a living, she stumbles into her most dangerous days so far and through the streets of Paris. Together with Cary Grant, the best looking movie star of all times to me, they try to find out where the money went and how they can get their hands on it, before the real time criminals do.
In the end she gets the money and Cary! A predictable ending, but the money is the stamp on a letter, the rare Tre Skilling Banco yellow is widely regarded as the most valuable man-made object on earth in relation to size, weight and composition. A stamp worth a fortune on a tiny 2cm square piece of paper...
What if you write a letter to your loved one today, used paper and ink and addressed it, weighed at the post office to be sent with a stamp to your love. What if this special person kept it because the words you used were the most beautiful ever written to another loving heart and the worth of this letter can never be evaluated by experts. What if you, while writing this letter, find out that you have lost the ability to say the things concerning the heart and that this beautiful piece of virgin paper in front of you shall not be ruined by the ink of your pen.
This movie is considered the last sparkle of Hollywood, the plot intelligent the suspense never lacking, the dialogues witty and the story takes unexpected turns many times.
Sending Christmas cards out each year has become the joy of the season to me, once I write just to let friends know that I care for them, sending those cards has a very romantic and sentimental notion. I think of the people when I write their names, send my personal oxoxo and imagine their faces upon receiving the envelope, this year in a Christmassy red!
I keep the ones I get in this book with the red leather binding, I love to see the kids grow older through the years and the changes we all go through. Life is in those memories, where only the best moment is highlighted and some sad losses made visible.